Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Problems are solved, or so I think. Today Mr Li wasn't present for English lessons today, and so the class committee had to take charge. It was really frustrating as many people took and excruciatingly long time to get settled. Everything seemed to mount up upon my responsibilities as a monitor, and it was as if I had gone past breaking point. Towards the end of the period I actually addressed the class and shared with them my deep troubles, and also how it's like being a monitor and stuff. I explained to them that being a monitor was not what they thought it would be. However, it feels very discouraging when many many people vote for you and in the end very little people submit to authority. I also shared with them the question, "What's the use of having a monitor when very few people (or even none) submit to authority?" In conclusion of my 'speech' I gave my classmates a challenge to submit to their leaders' authority and not to make their jobs harder than they are already are.

Frankly speaking I was pretty surprised that many people found the impromptu 'speech' a very impactful/meaningful/inspirational etc (I didn't know I was so good at that stuff.). I feel that this really warms up my heart by a lot knowing that there are people out there that are going to put it into practice. Just for a little illustration imagining me and you playing tennis, just hitting balls to each other. Now if I hit a ball to you and you don't return after a while it gets a little discouraging for me won't it? Yeah, so now that there will be some people responding to authority it gets a lot more encouraging.

It's been a great encouragement after getting this problem solved and in this year with this leadership position I hope to:

1. Emphasize that leaders aren't supposed to sit there, slack and be served like what some of my classmates think but rather to serve others.
2. Make a huge difference in 2A and impact many people's lives (through God who strengthens me).
3. Encourage and have unity in 2A as many of us are staying inside our little circle and no one is going out of their comfort zone . Also there are some people with harsh feelings to one another.
4. Start a class cell to fellowship with fellow brothers in Christ. Evangelism is strongly encouraged here.
5. Be a better example to people around me in life, love, faith, spirit and in purity.
6. Last but not least, to be the best monitor I can be.

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