Thursday, January 28, 2010

The final breath.

Here I am again at 11.35 pm trying to think about the subject of this post. I personally do not feel that my previous posts are really 'good enough' as we're not talking about the everyday homework assignment or blog-creating project, this constitutes of 50% of my Continual Assessment 1 (CA1). Alright, let's talk about this week then.

This week has passed by unreasonably fast. It just feels like a second since it's Monday and I only have 22 minutes left until Friday. On Tuesday was the Secondary 1 Regional Studies Programme (RSP) orientation, and frankly speaking I think my group was the most unprepared for the music presentation. Besides that I found out that my classroom key and my class pass had mysteriously disappeared into thin air. At home I was panicking to find the items and at that time I just felt that my whole life had collapsed on top of me. Just like that, when I was starting to feel that I was beginning to do a good job being the class monitor. The two most important class documents went missing, all in one day, literally.

Then it hit me.

Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock on the door and it will be opened to you. 

I have actually forgotten about this Bible verse for a really long time, and I was starting to take my problems into my own hands. This week I felt spiritually dry, as I didn't really get a lot of chances to do Quiet Time (QT) in school just before morning assembly. I started to pray. And pray. And pray. And pray. And pray. The words just seemed to float in my mind: God, please help me find my class key and pass. The words never stopped playing in my head, for the whole time until I went to sleep.

Faith, that was all I needed.

The next day upon reaching school I knew I would get scolded by Mr Li and probably other teachers as well. I actually thought I was going to get into trouble. Big trouble. However it seemed that God answered my prayers in this very morning. It turned out that I had forgotten that I lent the key to Hudson for the Secondary 1 RSP orientation 'treasure hunt'. The pass appeared in the sense that Marcus revealed to me that he had put it into Wayne's pencil case just the day before after using it. Through this I really grew stronger in my faith.

Now, as I sit in front of my mum's laptop trying to get this blog post together at five minutes to midnight (this has no reference to the song by Boys Like Girls of the same name), it really feels that this week has passed unreasonably fast and that I only have 5 minutes left of Thursday (which means 5 minutes to Friday!).

Wait a minute! It's already 11.57 in the night, why are you still awake? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping by now and putting this post together earlier?

I only have one answer: Today's homework was comparable to Mount Everest. Math, Chinese, Home Economics and the printed version of this blog post all by tomorrow. Or should I say today? It's already midnight and I think I'm about to get this final breath of done and over with and I'll be reverting back to my usual blog soon enough.

In case you are still wondering what the 'You'  in my blog name 'All For You' refers to it simplly means All For Jesus, for what He has done on the cross for you and me, and He lives in me today!

The final breath is over. When the old is gone, the new will come... soon.

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